Friday, May 28, 2010

Ward Mack McClendon From the Lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans and Andrea Sorrenti from Naples Florida. Below my Husband Jaime that drove me to Louisiana knowing that I needed to do something / the third picture is Peachy Melancon the Rep Charley Melancon's wife that brought panty hose and also made hair booms with us.

Andrea's Organic Hair Studio Naples,Florida 239-287-3045
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Naples Salon Collects hair clippings to help with oil spill

As a member of matterof trust Andrea Sorrenti has been collecting and making booms to sop up with oil spill. She owns a Green Conscious Certified Salon and has all organic color and hair care products.Andrea's Organic Hair Studio Naples,Florida 239-514-4707

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hair to help oil spill on gulf

Andrea's Organic Hair Studio Naples,Florida 239-287-3045

Andrea's organic hair studio campaign to save the gulf waters from oil spill Free Hair Cuts Sat May 8th 10-4

Anyone and Everyone: salons, groomers, individuals can sign up to donate hair, fur and nylons for our Oil Spill Booms. Our Excess Access program sign up is free, fast and helps us to coordinate the masses of donations.

5/3/10 - We have 13 locations where thousands of pounds of hair and nylons are coming in from every State in the US and from Canada, Brazil, France, UK... Booms are being made all along the Gulf Coast near beaches and marshes. What a community feeling!

We all get it. We shampoo because hair collects oil! More Info

Andrea's Organic Hair Studio Naples,Florida 239-287-3045

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Salon in florida and oils spills on the gulf
Andrea's Organic Hair Studio Naples,Florida 239-287-3045

Hair soaks up oils Spills

Matter of Trust and joined forces to research if once hair soaks up oil, mushrooms can eat the oily hair and detoxify the waste to create landscape grade compost.
We all know about shampooing our oily hair, but it took Phill McCrory, a stylist from Alabama, to realize that hair was also an efficient and abundant material for collecting and containing petroleum spills. Salons, barbers, pet groomers

Andrea's Organic Hair Studio Naples,Florida 239-287-3045

Oil Reaches the beaches.Our Salon is sending hair to a location in sanibel!!!!
Andrea's Organic Hair Studio Naples,Florida 239-287-3045